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4. আপনার দেশ নির্বাচন করুন।
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1. সাইটে কোন প্রকার ভারী ইমেজ
রাখা যাবে না।
2. কোন প্রকার জাভাস্ক্রিপ্ট রাখা
যাবে না এতে সাইট স্লো হয়ে যায়।
3. Last Update এ Thumbnail সিস্টেম না
করলেই ভাল হয়।
4. সাইটে কোন প্রকার এড থাকলে
সরিয়ে ফেলতে হবে।
5. সাইটটি শুধুমাত্র মোবাইল ভার্সন হতে
হবে।[Note: যতদিন আপনার সাইটটি
internet.org এ Approve না হচ্ছে ততদিন
উপরের নিয়মগুলো মেনে চলবেন। সাইট
Approved হওয়ার পরে আপনাদের ইচ্ছামত
সাইট ডিজাইন, সাইটে এড বসানো
কিংবা জাভাস্ক্রিপ্ট ব্যবহার করতে
পারবেন।]ধন্যবাদ সবাইকে।
Freebasic.com is a website that provides a free and open-source BASIC compiler and development environment. The website offers a wide range of resources and tutorials to help users learn and use the FreeBASIC programming language.
FreeBASIC is a high-level programming language that is similar to the BASIC programming language used in the 1980s and 1990s. However, FreeBASIC is a modern implementation of BASIC that includes many features of more recent programming languages, such as object-oriented programming, multi-threading, and advanced graphics and sound capabilities.
FreeBASIC is designed to be easy to use and learn, making it an excellent language for beginners who are just starting with programming. It is also a powerful language for more experienced programmers who want to develop complex applications quickly and efficiently.
The FreeBASIC compiler and development environment are available for Windows, Linux, and other operating systems. The website offers a variety of downloads and resources, including documentation, sample code, and forums for users to ask questions and get help from other users. Overall, Freebasic.com is a valuable resource for anyone interested in programming with the FreeBASIC language.
FreeBASIC is a completely free, open-source BASIC programming language that is designed for creating high-performance applications and games on a variety of platforms. It was originally created as a replacement for Microsoft QuickBASIC, but has since grown into a powerful development tool in its own right.
FreeBASIC supports a wide range of programming paradigms, including procedural, object-oriented, and event-driven programming. It has a syntax that is similar to traditional BASIC languages, which makes it easy for beginners to learn, while also providing advanced features for experienced programmers.
One of the key advantages of FreeBASIC is its cross-platform compatibility. It can be used on a variety of operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and macOS, and can also generate code for other platforms, such as DOS and FreeBSD. This makes it a versatile tool for developers who want to create applications that can run on multiple systems.
In addition to its powerful language features, FreeBASIC also comes with an integrated development environment (IDE) that includes a code editor, debugger, and project management tools. This makes it easy to develop, test, and debug programs all within the same environment.
Overall, FreeBASIC is a powerful and flexible programming language that is well-suited for a wide range of applications and platforms. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced programmer, it offers a rich set of features and tools to help you develop high-performance applications and games.
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